:: The Memories ::

Sunday, April 22, 2007

2 out of 3 - Oooh la la

This was kinda back dated but oh well...it's better to be late than nve!

So on the day when I turned 22, my fellow intern-mates gave me a surprise!
Yummy chocolate cake from Bedok.
Thanks to Yen/Alex who carried it all the way to KB =)

That was followed by a cutie mango cake courtesy of my very cute neighbours at work =))

I love surprises! Wheehee.


Dinner at Modesto's was satisfying.

And after recovering from the SHOCK I had from the BIGGEST surprise of the century, NINI and I did what we do best.
And to you my friend, Thank You is never enough.

What a day it was. =)

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Posted by :: Aska :: at 12:36:00 AM