Monday, January 02, 2006
Oh yea.. I was in the mood to spend today! Woo hoo. Went Topshop sales and for the FIRST time this hols(which is coming to an end SOON. TMD), I actually spent more than 100 bucks for a shopping trip. [ 2 Tops, 1 skirt, 1 sweater, 1 bag!] I'm SOOO proud of myself! Hahahahaha....The Shopaholic in me is BACK! But not for long, cos' my golden resource is running low.
As I was typing this, Mom Mom came into the room.
Mom Mom:
"Eh your holiday ending soon right? Have u gotten ur new yr clothes with the money I gave u the other time?"
*Ponder awhile* "Erm I supposed so. Hee" *Think Topshop Paperbags*
Mom Mom:
*Dish out another piece of SHINY BLUE note with Mr Yusof Ishak smiling at me*"Not enough tell me okie."Me:
*wheeee* "Thanks mom mom. Enough liao la. Hee hee"
New Year New Wardrode. I like! Hohohoho...
Posted by :: Aska :: at 10:38:00 PM