:: The Memories ::

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

SCSM 2009

This is a bit back dated, but because I'm down with a stomach flu and granted a 2 days rest
by my doctor dearest, I finally have the time to do some blogging.

And perhaps it's time to showcase what my Naska is capable of producing.
(Only the singlet is taken with the D90, the rest is still from my trusty IXUS)


Met Captain Hoooooo and Healthy Tan at the run.
I'm going to turn into a Healthy Ter soon!

Haha found myself my camwhore buddies.
Proud finishers of the 21.1km.

Rest of the pictures of Mojo and pals.


Great run, pals.
Till 2010, talk to my hand.
Says Wilson.

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Posted by :: Aska :: at 6:17:00 PM