:: The Memories ::

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Of the many things - Designing

Graphic Designing is LOVE!
Again, it makes me wonder why I'm in engine.

Anyway, was really glad to be asked by TH aka the Boss aka MY (fast-made) GOOD FRIEND
to help design this poster for his online business.
Everyone, click on it and show support ok!
The service is absolutely free.
Time to get rid of the piles of books or magazines that are lying around yo!

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And you know what people used to say? When good things come, they come in a truck.
Right after I was done with the Niceswap poster,
V needed some help with some designing stuff for his work.
I LOVE this poster so very much! WHEEE...
(Just hoping that I dont gena any copyright issue. BLEAH)

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Anyway, I'm STILL waiting for my $$$ INCENTIVE hor!


Posted by :: Aska :: at 2:27:00 AM

Of the many things - Convo

Finally, 3 of my favourite people have graduated!!
Made some stuff for them for their convo.
A friend commented that they looked like some wedding door gift.
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Take pictures..Take pictures!!
A long time since we photowhored! Heh.
(Btw, Qh, you looked visibly tired. Dont overwork eh!)
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Finally, a groupie!
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PS: I'm still waiting for Fang to send me our photo from her cam.
The one in mine looked hideous! RAH.


Posted by :: Aska :: at 2:07:00 AM

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Of the many things - Food

I'm back! Like finally.
And no, I did not camp myself in the lab for my FYP.
The truth is, I've not gone back to the lab since last Friday.
Have yet to touch on any stuff related to the project since then.
Bless me.

The past week has been oh-so-fulfilling.
Getting treated and treating others.
Which means FOOD.. FOOD and more food!!!

One of which that's worth a special mention is
The Marmalade Pantry @ Palais Renaissance (Orchard).
Niniong wanted to try their cupcakes, but by the time we finished our main course,
the cupcakes were already sold out!
Apparently, you need to call and BOOK the cupcakes.
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But anyhow, my Salmon with soba is HEAVENLY.

So off we went to Canelé Pâtisserie Chocolaterie @ Paragon to have dessert instead.
Another place to die for.
I shall psycho the sister to buy a cake from there for dad's birthday.
She pays, we eat. YUM!
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Anyway, Nini was lamenting on my ritual of taking pictures of the food we eat on her blog.

So in order to assure her that she's not the only victim of my ritual,
here's My Ritual Diary for the past few weeks.

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See.. my dear, you are not alone!
But seriously, I might just get a DSLR to take photos of the food next time.
I aspire to be the next ieatishootipost's Leslie Tay.


Posted by :: Aska :: at 8:47:00 PM

Friday, July 27, 2007


I really wanna blog.
But I think I should give my body a goodnight rest.
Insomnia is no joke.

Sweet sweet dream.



Posted by :: Aska :: at 1:11:00 AM

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Die Hard was pretty good.
I thought it was better than Transformer but my old friend begged to differ.
Guess it's a boy's thing eh?

Sitting in a cafe, talking to an old friend.
About the past, the present, the future.
No awkward silent but moments to ponder.


Posted by :: Aska :: at 12:04:00 AM

Monday, July 16, 2007


Decided to stay home today (and perhaps the rest of the week if necessary)
to finish the reaadddddinggggssssss (which I'm taking foreverrrrrr)

Not that I'm helping myself very much by watching Ugly Betty 24/7 since
Moggle aka the Human Google gave me the streaming website.
I'm half way through Season 1!
And DANIEL Meade is oooohhhsoooooyummmmyy.
But that's beside the point cos' yea.. this show is about Betty!

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And yes Moggle, before you screammmmmm at me, I'm going to glue my eyes to
How I met your Mother right after Betty. She's UNSTOPPABLE!


Anyway, sharoniniong is back from her Vietnam trip.
She got me a bag full of PRESENTSSSSS and THIS is very much worth
mentioning (她千叮万嘱我一定要blog).

She made me a Personalized Notebook!
(I supposed it's for me to scribble all my ermm.. IDEAS (for-you-know-what), if any, in there.)

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So Thank You my loveeeeeee!

Main Entry: pa·tient
Pronunciation: \ˈpā-shənt\
Function: adjective
1: bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint
: manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain
: not hasty or impetuous
: steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity

Be patient, you said.
And I will.


Posted by :: Aska :: at 4:43:00 PM

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Optimus Prime

Not a biggie fan of transformers but this Optimus Prime is too cute to be ignored.

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So thank you, Bumble Bee =)


Posted by :: Aska :: at 8:51:00 PM

Nve stop eating

Damn. Only through 1/10000 of the notes that's piling on the desk.
But you know what? Even there's like a mountain of readings to be read,
I still need to eat!
And meet up with my favourite peeps for lunch!

Uncle Subaru was unusually HYPER.
BM was unusually hungry.
小甜甜's tummy is still growinggg.
大姐大 is still 大姐大。

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Anyway, photos are deceiving.

There's like:

1 x Curry chicken
1 x Ice Milk HK tea
1 x Milo Dino
2 x Cheese baked rice
2 x Fried Rice
2 x French Toast
2 x Ham + Baked beans + Egg + Toast
3 x Yue Yang

for 5 people.



I realized it's really COOL to have a manager-friend working in a restaurant.
(Hor alex?? Hahahaha)
It's like having buffet when it's actually a la carte.

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It's a tad too much for 2 of us BUT hello,
it's sushisukiyakisashimiplatehotpoticecream
that scream wearefreakingyummypleaseeatusuppppp.



My brain is telling me that I NEED to kick a few laps in the pool.
Or to the gym for some treadmill-ing.
Or read some notes
BUT my heart is telling my brain that I should just sleep in while I can.



Posted by :: Aska :: at 8:36:00 PM

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


So it's back to school again after 6 months of high life.
Met my co-prof for FYP and man, he's good.

(Ralf, you are right!!)

Was given a brief overview of the project.
And some materials to read.
Went to the lab and met the graduate students.
Now I know why I'll have a MANLY experience.

OH and one of them looks like Harry Potter!
(Or rather I CHOOSE to think he looks like one)

Ok my life is getting boringg.


Posted by :: Aska :: at 1:37:00 AM

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Experience

Everyone's queuing for donuts these days.
So after being tipped off by DT, Nini and I spent around 45 mins queuing for the donuts.
The original glazed is pretty good.
But, like what the sister said, it's nothing special.

I guess you must eat and FEEL the spirit of Singaporeans:
A lot of people queue = Must be very nice!
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Nini's friend is having her convocation so I drugged Nini
to make a Graduation Bear for her from the Build-A-Bear shop @ Suntec.
I secretly want to make a bear myself, but it's freaking ex can.

Anyway, the sales people are nice! They allowed us to deposit
the Bear (and our 7 boxes of donuts) in their shop while we shopped around.

So if I'm feeling rich one of these days, I'll go get a bear myself!
Cos' the sales people are nice! (I'm so easily buy over. Sigh)

And here's our Build-A-Bear experience.

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So go build a bear if you are feeling RICH!!



Posted by :: Aska :: at 12:28:00 AM

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Had dinner with Yun a couple of weeks back at Hog's Breath Cafe @ Chijmes.
For steak lovers, you have to go there!
I'm someone who doesnt take beef, but the steak there is just irresistible!!
So I gope a small piece from Yun.. and MAN.. it's good!
Do try their Prime Rib which they slow cook up to 18 hours.
Succulent and tender.

I had their Altantic Salmon (sooo surprising) with lime hollandaise sauce.
I sooo want to go back again!!

Their dessert's to die for!

And so was the bill =P

But it definitely worth the moolahs!

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The sweetie pie went US and got me a
Hollywood Movie Clapper photo frame!
Love it babe. Thanks =))

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See you in due time!

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Posted by :: Aska :: at 10:44:00 PM

Monday, July 02, 2007


Got tagged by Alex.
And he has tagged the whole world.
Six people bro, just SIX!

Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!

  1. I dont eat chocolate. And I have no craving for it. Because I'll get sore throat thereafter. SIGH. I know what I'm missing la.
  2. I sleep with LIGHTS on when I'm not sleeping in my own room. Yogi thinks that's rather amusing. ( Is it just me??!) When I was in PGP last sem, it took me around 2 weeks before I slept in COMPLETE darkness. Ha.
  3. I enjoy watching Tiger Woods play golf. Despite being so lazy, I'll drag myself out of bed just to see him play in the middle of the night. ie 3 -4 am
  4. I dont eat the chicken from KFC. I eat every other thing. Burgers, cheese meltz, whipped potato. Anything but their chicken.
  5. I dont drink from cup. I drink from my water bottle, even at home.
  6. I AM IN CHEM ENGINE. That's the weirdest thing EVER.


  1. Niniong
  2. Yogi (KAKASHI! Pls do this! Hahaha)
  3. hP (Pls do it before you go CHINA!! Hahaa)
  4. Yagiza
  5. Verce
  6. Qh (Eh you can do it on Bernard's blog. Pretty pls!)

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Posted by :: Aska :: at 6:51:00 PM