:: The Memories ::

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Snacking is no good!

Argg... Has been snacking more than ever today! Not that I feel hungry.. actually I feel damn bloated. BUT I was snacking non-stop..

7pm : Dinner

730pm: Pockey sticks ( the Japanese Tidbits) with Ribena while reading Mag.

800pm: Bean curb while watching tv.

900pm: My Meiji sweets and coco Jelly while surfing net

1000pm: Mooncakes are soo deadly. They are sooo nice that I eat them everyday. They go very well with Ribena too.

1100pm: -slacking on bed.. thinking of what to eat -

1200am: Found a Croissant lying innocently ard in the fridge! *slurp*


I think is the STRESS that's bringing out this snacker in me


Posted by :: Aska :: at 12:58:00 AM