Saturday, December 10, 2005
Sentosa II
After sleeping for 12 hours straight, I woke up with a SORE BODY! Ouch!
Anyway, here goes Sentosa Trip II:
It started off with a heavy POUR early in the morning. Thought the whole thing will be cancelled after everyone frantically msged everyone to see what's the backup plan. It happened that there was no backup plan watsoever. LOL.
The inital meeting time was 930am. I was still at home at 930 though.
Ah Liu picked Ralf & me up at 10am, only to reach at 1030am due to traffic jam!
Of cos we were not the latest, cos' there is always Ben the man. HA.
Anyway, it was still drizzling when we reached Sentosa at
12noon! What was the meeting time again?

So we finally reached the BEACH! Yea. Obviously, everyone was looking at......

Quite cool eh? It was part of the Imbiah Lookout (whatever that means).
There's this Sentosa Luge ride too.
Fun fun! Ah Shanny, me, Ah Ben and Zer went for the experience anyway. But during the chairlift, Ah Shanny got abit too excited that he started swinging his legs? and it hit mine and *Dang*.. one of my Havaianas fell a good 30 metres to the ground. *Pout*
Ah Ben was very "HELPFUL" in calming me down.
Ah Ben:
"Price of a ride: 5 bucks.
Price of a pair of Havanianas: 25 bucks.
TOTAL price of a ride: 30 bucks"
Feel like pushing him down the chairlift.
Luckily there was this Rio-Ferdinand-hairstyle-look-alike guy, I got my havanianas BACK. Phew.
Go beach must play wat? Beach Volleyball right?
But we have ANY balls, be it soccer ball, Basketball (???), or doggy play ball, but not a Volleyball to play with. -_-"
So we have to play with this grp of "very-pro" youngsters. (Okie we are not very old, but obvious they are younger than us wat). Piang eh.. they like how pro, got formation one lo. Siao siao. Learned so many RULES from them can. Hahaa.. we are a bunch of pro-looking ppl whose skills are not pro at all.
Played 5 games with them and
we Ah Ben WON 1 match,15-17 ! Ah Ben won cos' it's a ONE MAN GAME can. The rest of us were just vases for that match. (I was a vase for all matches though. HAHAHA!)

:: Game On::.
After which, we went to play on our own and bahhhhh..

...the vball got stuck on a palm tree! So we figured that the only way to get the ball down was to throw another ball up to knock the vball down. Haha.. In the end, not only the Vball was stuck up there, it was accompanied by the soccerball, doggy playball and the HEAVY basketball. What can we say? *sigh*

That's Nini on the throw. WOOT. Ah Suay Liu can only look on after
two throws, which got
two balls stuck up there. LOL
I think the youngsters SAW our mishap and came to the rescue!*gasp*

Siao siao.. Young means young. Straight away climbed the tree lo.
Got the BALLS down eventually. Haha..
Time to sit down and enjoy the sun after some intense VBall, Frisbee (madness can!!), basketball (???) and some soccer.

:: The girls:: ..
:: Ah Liu Swinging NINI ::..
:: Bliss ::..
:: Ah Ben's Sandcastle :: Zer :::: Ralf & Yogi :: Ah Ben ::..
:: Love the sun ray ::.
Went to Habourfront for New York Pizza. Yummy yummy. It's soooo big (bigger than my HEAD!!) and quite cheap too! No picture of it cos' I left the camera in the car. BAH. Ohh the chicken wing is yummy as well. MUST try!
Home sweet home thereafter cos' I was drained. Boo.
Nice trip nevertheless = )
Posted by :: Aska :: at 10:54:00 PM