Friday, September 22, 2006
Finally the term break is HERE! Woot.
And so I can breathe a little, which is why I am here!
Oh if you are still unaware of the BIGGIEEEE change in my life... LO AND BEHOLD.

I've moved into CAMPUS! TEEEHEEHEE....
Surprise surprise......
I've friends who were kinda skeptical abt me moving into PGP.
"Haiyo... must wash ur own clothes leh... u can meh?!"
"Ehh.. must cook urself leh.. I think you are going to starve!" <--- Sth call TA-BAO food u know?
" Wah lau.. MUGGER already la. NO LIFE LIAO!!!"
"Oh no.... I think I wont be able to locate u in ur room la. You will be buried under your own rubbish! " <--- HAHAHHAHAA...
And the classic...I quote: "You are moving from one rubbish dump to another!"
Okie I have to admit that my own room (at home) is KINDA messy but that's because I'm sharing with my brother :P
In PGP, it's quite clean okie ;) (pls see picture above. Hahahaha)
But anyway, it's been two weeks plus already and I'VE SURVIVED!!!! HUR. Oh before I forget, I must thank the team who had helped me with the shifting! Without them, the shifting could have taken days.

Thanks to Ralf-the-transport-ic, NINI-the-maid-one, Ah-Fu-the-maid-two and Yogi-the-slacker-maid-three. =)
Shifting wasnt all that SMOOTH sailing.
For instance, we had difficulty going up to my room level. You see, PGP uses transponder and so you can only access your own level.
After 4 of us moved everything into the lift, I activated the transponder and pressed
my room level, X. There is no respond.
Me to everyone: "EH cannot leh! How come ar??! HOWWWW??" *panic state*
The door closed and 4 of us were stucked inside the lift. The lift's not moving up.
NINI took over. DID the same thing. Activated the transponder and pressed
my room level, X. Still no respond.
Then Ah Fu cannot take it already (He cannot believe that we dunno how to use a transponder) and took the matter into his own hands.
And Ah Fu-the-great declared that the transponder runs out of battery.
So we moved everything out of the lift AGAIN.
THEN I suddenly realised something.
I went back into the lift, activated the transponder and
pressed Y instead.DANG.. and the level LIGHTS up!
Okie if you still dont get the joke, I've actually mixed up my block number,X, with my room level,Y.
Hahaha...And I can see the U-sure-u-can-survive?? look on their faces.
In addition, a big thank you to :
-The big brother who did some of the shifting for me and fetching me from sch to home and back to sch again =)
-The big sister Mystic who helped to calm the parents down after knowing that I'm moving to campus. Ha.
-Papa and Mama for allowing me to have this experience, although they are so against the idea
That's so much for now.
I'm going home tonight because:
Qh's having her 21st bday celebration @ Rice table and Papa's having his 57th bday celebration @ Sakura International Buffet tmr.
OH MANNNN.... 2 buffets in a DAY.
Posted by :: Aska :: at 10:16:00 PM