Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Count your Blessing
Was checking my Yahoo! mail just now and if you have realised, Yahoo! has actually revamped their home page not so long ago. And there is this section right at the top where it features different stories everyday.
Here's an excerpt of today's article which I thought everyone should have a read.
Given how expensive our lives are, how can money not be a factor? We have huge mortgages and tapped-out home equity lines of credit weighing on us. College tuition bills have never been more daunting. Our employers are less likely to give us a defined benefit pension, so the onus is on us -- and our 401(k)s -- to figure out how we'll be able to afford retirement. If we're lucky enough to get health insurance through our employer, the trend is for each of us to be responsible for a greater portion of the bill.
I would love to live in a world where authentic happiness was achievable solely from the richness of relationships, but I'm a realist. And the reality I see -- and that so many of you write to me about -- is one in which money plays into our ability to be truly happy.(Read more)So remember to count your blessing, pals.
Anyway, MY DEAREST is back from SHANGHAI!!!!! Whooopeeedooppeee.......
Posted by :: Aska :: at 6:50:00 PM