:: The Memories ::

Monday, July 17, 2006

Saving Plans

It's time to save those money for better usage, like for an overseas shopping trip? And to start off the saving plan, Ah Gu needs to shop less in Singapore.
Went for the bi-annual shopping trip with Ah Ben and guess what, I spent only abt 60 bucks, 3 times lesser than Ben the man! Woot.

After we are done with the shopping, Ah Ben was quite enthu on taking photos of our buys and his backview. Now, SPOT THE DIFFERENCE, folks.

Dinner at Xinwang was pretty satisfying. But din manage to try their dessert cos' we cant decide on which one. Oh well........

Dunno how come the food always look better on photos, just like those on the menus.
Hahahahah....Myu is good. It is.

Posted by :: Aska :: at 1:01:00 AM