:: The Memories ::

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

(Last) Weekend

Weekend started early last week and I went Ikea/Queensway with sH to eat and shop!!
Meatball.. CHICKEN WINGS! Wheee... going again tmr with NINI and it's time to try their smoked SALMON. YUM!

Sunday morning started with intense KBOX-ING with Yun and WX.
Photowhored abit......

And it's so sweet of them to remember my 21st.
Creative presents eh? =))

I went to grow the credit card as per told and.......

Oh and not to forget, thanks Yun for the very very much wanted present -- PS7.
I had tremendous fun with it for the past few days already. =D

After kbox-ing, I went to meet the sister for Yoga @ Amore. Woot. It's tough, really. I need to exercise more. Ahhhhhh......

Posted by :: Aska :: at 5:09:00 PM