:: The Memories ::

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Oh yea Oh yea..... the exams are FINALLY OVER!

It's the most disgusting exams ever! .. I dont even want to talk abt it. RAH.

So after the last paper, me & co. took 2 freaking hours to get ourself to suntec! What's wrong with the buses and cabs today man??!!

I had NYDC (YUM YUM!! ) ,BEN & JERRY (YUM YUM YUM!!!!) and CARTEL for the first time in MANY MONTHS. Sigh.. see what exams do? DEPRIVE me of yummilious food!

Ah huh.. I can watch my tv in PEACE. Amazing race, Superhost!!, SCV SHOWS and wat not. I love HOLIDAYS!

Oh yea my dear friends, I'm AVAILBLE NOW! It's time to meet up and bitch!! I Love HOLIDAYS!

OH OH Sister is back tmr from ITALY too!!! I want my presents!!! Yay... I can go rot at her house in peace! I love HOLIDAYS!

Life's good ONCE AGAIN ,so enjoy it while it last everyone!

Posted by :: Aska :: at 1:38:00 AM