:: The Memories ::

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Pre Wedding (II): Bingo Game

Yea yea.. So fast, next week will be Cookie's Wedding.
So I was asked to make a Bingo Board Game so that the bride's maids can "torture" the groom before we open the door to let him in.

Yours truly took some time off mugging and started making the board from SCRATCH!

So I need big cardboard. Hard ones as such.

Then, cut them into small squares...like this:

Make it into a box like thingi...

Must make 9... cos BINGO ma.
So alots of boxes...

Piece them up and I got this...

Not bad looking.. hahaha...

The backview of the board to put the tasks the groom need to perform.

But the board itself looks very plain. So need to add some colour to it ya.
Let's add photos of the pretty bride's maids!!
Ermm so we need some compressed (reads: expensive) steroform as the backing so it will look good! =)
Big piece of steroform waiting to be CUT into...

....These square shapes!!

Then we need photos of cos.
Used my newly bought HP All in one printer to print them on glossy (reads: VERY expensive) paper. I must say that the print out is SOOOOOO damn good. Machiam can compare to kodak printing!! Oooo I love this printer! It prints quietly and it's sooooo fast!!! WOOOT. Alright, I disgress...Photos.. ya.. Pretty photos!!

Here are some tasks that the groom needs to perform! *evil smile*

So the tasks will be placed behind the board like this!

And when everything is put together nicely.... this is wat I get!

Very nice. I like. HAHAHA...(I deserve a pat on my back. *pat pat*)

Anyway, the hearts and crosses will represent whether the groom completes or fails the task respectively.

I so very enjoy the process of making this!! I dont feel tired when I din took nap before doing it.
Unlike mugging... even when I nap, I feel damn sleepy! Hahaha..

Alrighty....... Time to catch some sleep!

Posted by :: Aska :: at 3:10:00 AM