Tuesday, August 02, 2005
A Berry Nice Day =P
A berry nice day with alotsa pictures!!!! Went Hall(s) crashing EARLY in the day (reads: 1130am!) and it was a BLAST.
Hahahaa..not their rooms la (both not fully done up yet).. but the two ah siao friend of mine are good OKIE! Both INITIALLY wanted to go to some kuku briefing organised by our DEAREST fac but both COINCIDENTALLY pang seh me! RAhhhhh...
But it was a right choice not to go in the end.. HAHAHA..
The First Stop : Temasek Hall
Went to pass Ah ben his CAMUS wine...

Ta Dang...

And fiddled with his IBOOK... Wah piang eh.. his itunes sooo many nice songss loo
While surfing the net, I noticed this v gu- dong looking thing sitting on the table...

wah piang ehhhhh.... not KUKU wat... Somemore it RINGS damn loudly can. But I doubt it will have ANY effect on the owner la... hahahaa...
The room is still quite empty.. and the ONLY interesting stuff in it is....

..this berry nice looking rocking chair... =D
Quite cool leh.. hahaha.. but I have problem rocking it =(
Stupid Ah ben claims that I'm too fat to rock the chair PROPERLY .. rahhhh *pout*

After rotting in his room for a while.. his berry nice neighbour Ah Eng gave me a ride to my next hall crashing location..
ps: If you are wondering why Ah ben din appear on the pics above is because.. He is not photogenic and looks 1000 times better in person. Thus he hates to take pics =P
Next Stop: Sheares Hall 
BANG.. I was welcomed by this boxes when I reached Sharon babe's room. I was rudely SHOCKED can..hahhaa..tot I will be sipping Kopi while lazing on her comfy bed..... but..

...the bed is not up yet =P

But after some hard work by Sharon ( I was busy taking pictures u see, so cannot help much la.. =P), ta dang the bed is done!

oooo while Temasek Hall has its berry nice looking rocking chair, Sheares Hall has THIS! A berry uniquely looking fan! OMG.. it's a FAN okie. However, it's only powerful (means can keep u cool la) when u stand like 10cm away from it. Hahhaaa.. but still, it's Cool okie!

Ohh ohh.. before I forgot.. I thought Temasek Hall's clock was bad... but when I saw this, I nearly fainted on ron's bed. Hahahaa...
After unpacking her stuff, both of us then took a bus down to Suntec for our yummy dinner later. U know how BORED we are on the bus rite (or rather, I am bored la).. so we took PICTURES.

I tot this one's kinda nice cos got that kind of blur blur effect. (due to the shaking of the bus la.. DUH)

But miss ron thinks that this is GOOD ( and insist that I MUST post this up) cos she looks taller than me in this pic -_- "
Reached Suntec quite early.. so Ah Ron suggested going Starbucks to la kopi.

I ate potato salad cos was hungry. They shouldnt called their potato salad as potato salad. Instead, they should have named it "Onion Salad". There is soooo many onion cubes inside the salad lo.. my mouth stinks like hell thereafter =( But heng ar, there is always fisherman sweet to the resue!!! MUahahahaha..

Ooo.. lazing ard Starbucks was so shuang can... How I wish I can do that EVERYDAY!
Walked ard Suntec and we realised there is a new HUSH HUSH shop located there. The stuff there are super HIGHLY priced. A bloody fugly straw bag cos like $23 bucks -_-'' .
Anyway, they got this NEW moving dog placed inside the shop, so me and ron went to take pics with IT! =P

Cute hor... it can move one leh.. like shaking its butt!

Then we met up with the guys for dinner..

That's our yummy seafood platter for one... =)

Woah.. that's their seafood platter for two ..

That's Ah Lim... Wah lau.. He insisted that my face is BIG can. Obviously it's because he was BEHIND me wat... RAH..

To prove that my face is really BIG, he took a pic of me and Ah liu. Actually it's all due to the lighting and distance la...

See... it's all abt the DISTANCE and the LIGHTING. My face looks damn small here la....hur hur

Ooo and finally a grp pic =)
Posted by :: Aska :: at 12:19:00 AM